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According to the Statista Study Job Function List It Shows the Gender

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 12:33 pm
by shukla22
Gap index in income for 2021, Mexico positioned itself as one of the worst qualified countries in Latin America in terms of this gap with an index of 0.506, where Mexican workers would barely earn half of the income estimated to be earned by men in job function list country. This type of data has caused more and more companies to show themselves in favor of equal rights and opportunities for women in the workplace , thus improving their image, brand value and perception in the mind of the consumer through different initiatives.

Among them, we could see a few years ago that companies began to join the March 9 movement, where women from different countries and areas would not leave their homes and would miss their respective jobs as a protest against job function list violence, inequality job function list culture of machismo promoted as “ A day without us ”. Likewise, there are different initiatives that have promoted women so that they have the same opportunities to grow in the world of work, as the Semillero.

Nutrisa program demonstrated some time ago , which seeks to support the female population to start a business and increase their income; In the same way, Belcorp showed its position to encourage women to achieve their personal and professional fulfillment, promoting job function list in order to have a considerable income in their day to day. More and more companies are supporting Mexican women in the world of work.