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The Wolf Among Us (Review)

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 10:12 pm
by the_danger

Summary - Telltale has done it again, a game that gives player the thrill and excitement, driven only by dialogue choices and quick trigger sequences. Honestly, a game like this is hard to pull off, especially with the huge popularity of action packed games nowadays. Thanks to the amazingly written story, and the decisive choices you have to make, it stands out as a masterpiece.

Story - The story revolves around a murder that occurred inside Fabletown. With the fear of a Fable killer on the loose, Bigby is tasked to lead an investigation in finding the killer. Overall I would say that Telltale did a good job not overcomplicating the story, but at the same time remains intriguing. Another thing I liked about the story, is how it reflects to each of your previous decision. I know telltale does this, but somehow in this game they did such a good job at it.

Gameplay - A point and click investigation game, that allows you to control the story through dialogue choices and player decisions. Gamer who are into playing games that provide action and beautiful cutscenes may have some trouble liking this game. But if you are a gamer who is in it for the story of the game, then I can assure you that you will not be bored or disappointed by the gameplay.

Graphics - Graphics in this game is not something you can compare with triple A games out in the market today. Although I have to say, the cell shaded graphic enforced in this game, adds a bit of drama to the story, because of the depth it adds to the models.

Audio - Some of the best voice acting in gaming, if you've played the Telltale Walking Dead game, then you are going to hear some familiar voices again.

Value - If remember correctly I purchased the game for 1300. I suggest to get it on Steam instead if you have a PC since its a lot cheaper there. But heck even for 1300 its still worth it.

Overall - Like I said in my summary, this simple game manages to pull off an amazing experience with only little gameplay. But if you like games that provides players with plenty of things to do, then this might not be a game you are going to enjoy. But if you do give it a chance, and then finish the thing, then I swear to you, you won't regret it.

I'm going to give it a score of 4.5/5

Re: The Wolf Among Us (Review)

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:21 am
by Daniel
Nice review!

So this game more or less looks similar with the Walking Dead games?

Re: The Wolf Among Us (Review)

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:34 am
by darkwing_uop
yup, it has the same art style, been meaning to pick this up, love the Fable comic series

Re: The Wolf Among Us (Review)

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:37 am
by the_danger
In terms of Graphics yes they look pretty similar, pero when it comes to the story Walking Dead is more of an emotional roller coaster, while Wolf Among Us is a detective thriller.