Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor [PS4]

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Primal Rage
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Oink McOink wrote:Meron na sa GoG, although R3 lang.

Has anyone who isn't a fan of LOTR ever played it? Do I need to be a fan to enjoy it? I've seen the movies and it was OK but I was somewhat turned off when I read the books. Plus, of course, I want a game I can relate to. I don't want Shadow of Mordor referencing something and completely missing it. I think I won't enjoy the game if it keeps name-dropping people I don't know.
The story stands on its own, you only need to know the basics. Sauron = bad basically. Everything will be laid out nicely, whatever reference to the middle earth universe will be explained.

Personally just look for a second hand game, the game of the year edition is a bit too expensive. Especially since, the DLC isn't worth it from the looks of it.
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Oink McOink
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Thanks for the response. I'm checking the DLC if it's worth it but the verdicts still out. I'll put this under consideration. I was somewhat off put by how quickly I finished Tomb Raider so I'm looking for longer games.
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The non GOTY version dropped to 1795 so if you don't care about the DLCs, you can just buy that. Plus, r1 yung non GOTY version.

Bought the GOTY edition yesterday at 2295. Yun nga lang r3. Ok lang. Lahat naman na ng DLC kasama na dito.
PSN ID: crazy4cajun

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Oink McOink
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Bought the GOTY, At first I though I made a mistake because I don't like hack and slash games that has too many buttons for "special moves", but what the heck, already paid for it so I kept playing..and IT. WAS. AWESOME!!! God, I've never wandered alot in a game, but I wandered so much in this game, My guy's skills and weapon powerups were almost complete that I was completely surprised when I realized there was a new equally huge area that opened up. Grinding didn't feel like grinding, wandering aimlessly just doesn't feel like you've wasted time running from point A to B.

I like the Bright Lord skin, I think it matches with the moves better than a human one. Haven't tried the other DLC missions though, just around 60% done with the story. I wanted to focus on the story but there's just so many happenings on the way to the main missions. :D
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